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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: MartinF

Worst Wipeout Award 2003

Member#: 72
Registered: 28-10-2002
Diary Entries: 184

Mood: needing time out
15th January 2012
Mt. Biking: Forest of Dean
Wind Direction:
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Surf / Sea State:
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Distance Covered:

Another £6 greasing of palms to cross the Severn for the short hop over to the Pedalabikeaway centre in the FoD.

Changes are afoot at the centre (I'd looked into buying it when it came up for sale last year, but decided there were too many risks) with the cafe having been expanded (slightly), and the bike hire being moved into another building in the same site.

Started off on the old FoDCA trail, then picked up the remnants of the 2010 enduro course - some of which no longer exists thanks to the forestry work that's been going on. Other parts that Nigel & I cleared after forestry work are now freely usable again :).

Towards the end, we picked up the new, blue Verderer's trail: We did most of this last year before it was open. The only part not finished then was the final descent back toward the centre. And unfortunately, it looked like they were in the process of demolishing that old downhill bit to make way for the new. So this time, we were able to do that last descent on the Verderer's trail. It's swoopy, but nothing like as good as the old. Ho hum.

But a good day, & nothing like as knackered as I was after last week's outing.
Toys Used:
Scott Genius MC10 Med



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